The Once and Future Smash/End Zone 2


The Once and Future Smash / End Zone 2 – double-disk Blu-Ray

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    The Once and Future Smash / End Zone 2 – Two-disc Blu-Ray

    blu-ray back cover
    Special Features:
    Producer Commentary, Actor Commentary, Interviews with: Michael St. Michaels, Bill Weeden, AJ Cutler, Trailer

    ***We will have a limited supply of extra slipcovers from our Kickstarter campaign, these will be included with blu-ray orders until we run out!***

    In 1970, Mikey & William both portrayed football cannibal Smash-Mouth in the influential cult hit, End Zone 2. Now, 50 years later, only one can wear the mask.

    The Once and Future Smash is the story of Mikey Smash and William Mouth, who both played Smash-Mouth, the football-themed slasher character in the lost 1970 cult film, End Zone 2. They are now on the convention circuit 50 years later, trying to reclaim the iconic role in the upcoming reboot sequel that starts one hour into End Zone 2.

    Launch Over and Without Your Head Film; Produced by: Sophia Cacciola / Michael J. Epstein / Neal Jones
    Directed by Sophia Cacciola / Michael J. Epstein – Written by Michael J. Epstein
    Starring: Michael St. Michaels (The Greasy Strangler), Bill Weeden (Sgt. Kabukiman N.Y.P.D.), A.J. Cutler

    Featuring: Mark Patton (Nightmare on Elm Street 2), Laurene Landon (Maniac Cop), Richard Elfman (Forbidden Zone), Mark Torgl (Toxic Avenger), Melanie Kinnaman (Friday the 13th Part V: A New Beginning), V.C. DuPree (Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan), Victor Miller (Friday the 13th), Hélène Udy (My Bloody Valentine), Jennifer Rubin (A Nightmare on Elm Street 3), Marc Sheffler (Last House on the Left), Carl Solomon (Tropical Cop Tales), Adam Marcus (Jason Goes to Hell), Todd Farmer (Jason X), John Dugan (Texas Chain Saw Massacre), Bill Johnson (Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2), Bob Elmore (Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2), LLoyd Kaufman (Troma), Claudio Fragasso/Rossella Drudi (Troll 2), Tim Dry (Xtro)

    Additional information

    Special Features:

    Producer Commentary, Actor Commentary, Interviews with: Michael St. Michaels, Bill Weeden, AJ Cutler

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